Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge

Working for the protection of Bay Area wetlands

Our Board

Covering 14 Bay Area cities

By clicking on the respective photos on the right, you can access individual pages which detail favorite species and backgrounds for some of our current board members. Below you can also find tributes for notable past board members.


Co-Chair1 Western Snowy Plover Aric Crabb

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Carin High


Co-Chair2 Long billed Curlew Bill Chen

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Gail Raabe


Chair Emerita1 California Ridgway Rail Judy Irving

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Florence LaRiviere


Treasurer2 Great Egret Michael Lufting

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Enid Pearson


Secretary1 Salt Harvest Mouse Robyn Boothby

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Margaret Lewis


Other Board Members: John Bradley, Arthur Feinstein, Wayne Miller, Eileen McLaughlin, Emily Renzel


Tributes of Former Notable Board Members: Janice Delfino, Frank Delfino, Philip LaRiviere, Ralph Nobles, long-time advocate member Donna Olsen